There are some 7-Billion cell phones in use around the world, 350-Million of them in the U.S.
But there was a time when drivers actually had to stop their cars and insert coins to make a phone call.
Yes kids, there was a time before cell phones, and people were not reachable 24/7.
Back then, in the mid to late 1900's, there were hundreds or even thousands of "pay phones" in the Montgomery area.

The Alabama Public Service Commission regulates---or I should say regulated them.
They're all gone now:
"Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding payphones in the Montgomery area. According to our Mr. Darrell Baker, Director of the Commission’s Utility Services Division, there are “no” active customer-owned, coin-operated pay phones remaining in the River Region. The closest one is in Tallassee."

Superman sometimes used them to change into his Superman costume!
Anna Long of Pike Road, 8, imagines making a call. |
Archives personnel use them as a teaching tool:
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