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Jul 30, 2019

Was Roby Uncomfortabe being in the Minority?

An article in The Hill discusses the reasons for a recent wave of Republicans retiring from The U.S.House, Alabama's Martha Roby among them:

"Republicans in Congress strategizing to win back the House say the rush to the exits reflects the depressing reality of life in the minority and a pessimistic view of the GOP’s chances of regaining the majority.
“We are in the minority. That is never much fun in the House,” said one senior Republican member of Congress, who asked for anonymity to provide a candid assessment. “The odds are against us retaking the majority.”
(UPDATE:  The Fortune website also adds this:

"The departure of Roby and (Susan) Brooks is also particularly concerning for the Republican Party, as the number of Republican women serving in the House will drop to just 11—compared to 89 female Democrats.)"

     Roby didn't cite a reason for her sudden retirement. suggested her status as a member of the GOP Minority in the house may have been a factor.
     She was a Montgomery city councilwoman when she won her first term in Congress in 2010, defeating then Democrat Bobby Bright, who says he is considering entering the Republican Primary for his old seat in 2020.

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