Aug 31, 2019

Ivey's Blackface Continues to Reverbate

From The Southern Poverty Law Center:

"It is unfortunate that the reputation of the state of Alabama continues to wither under the actions of our elected officials. Many people across the country and around the world still judge Alabama by the words of former Governor George Wallace during his fight against integration. They still see the black and white news reels of Bull Connor releasing attack dogs and fire hoses on peaceful protestors in Birmingham. And now the past actions of our current governor along with the draconian abortion bill that she signed and her pandering to an abhorrent political agenda that promotes racist legislation threaten to take the state of Alabama and its reputation backward." 

And from The Alabama Republican Party:

“The Alabama Republican Party appreciates and supports Governor Kay Ivey taking ownership of and responsibility for this 50 plus year old incident. While it occurred when she was a college student, Governor Ivey has stood up, admitted her mistake and offered a sincere apology though she has no recollection of the event. Her extraordinary record of public service shows her ability to work with all people regardless of race, religion or party affiliation. We stand with Governor Ivey uniting our state for a greater future.”
Mrs. Terry Lathan
Chairman, Alabama Republican Party

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