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Sep 3, 2019

Following the U.S. Coastline?

I wondered if it was my imagination....was Dorian following the coastline, and if so, why?

Alabama News Network Meteorologist Ryan Stinnett provided me with an answer:
"They don't follow the coast, it just seems like it. They are controlled by upper-level steering currents and the way those set up are controlled by the land/ocean interactions. There are weaknesses in the currents near the interaction of the land/water and the hurricanes are trying to follow the path of least resistance, so it seems they like to follow the coast.  

Also, hurricanes only want to do one thing, and that it is to move due north, because they distribute warm air from the tropics, north to the polar regions, but because of the steering currents they can't and therefore follow the path of least resistance which are weaknesses in the steering currents. 

Plus, hurricanes want to remain over water as much as possible, because that is their fuel source."

Thanks Ryan!

1 comment:

  1. So, hurricanes have GPS, or something like that?

    Well, it's true that most hurricanes have "eyes."
