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Sep 22, 2019

Lung Cancer

     Has anyone asked Governor Ivey whether she smokes now, or if she did so in the past?
     Usually that would come under the none-of-your-business category of questions, but with Ivey being treated for lung cancer, and smoking being the number one cause, it is both a logical and appropriate question.  80% of lung cancer deaths in Alabama are attributed to smoking.

     White females in Alabama who are diagnosed with lung cancer have a mortality rate of 42.8%, though the Governor and her staff are upbeat about her recovery.
      From a Cancer Society handout from 2018 quoting Ivey as recommending people talk with their doctors about screening. It says the five year survival rate for cancers found in the early stage is 55%:

"Cigarette smoking is by far the most important risk factor for lung cancer, with 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in the US attributable to smoking. Risk increases with quantity and duration of cigarette consumption. Cigar and pipe smoking also increase risk. Other risk factors include occupational or environmental exposure to secondhand smoke, radon, asbestos (particularly among smokers), certain metals (chromium, cadmium,arsenic), some organic chemicals..."

 You can read the most recent Alabama lung cancer stats HERE.
And by the way, I smoked for a lot of years, but quit almost 20 years ago.


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