Apr 25, 2020

(UPDATE) Alabama's Democratic U.S. Senate Seat

From a N.Y. Times upbeat (for Democrats) article. The headline is this:

Nervous Republicans See Trump Sinking, and Taking Senate With Him

But the story includes this Alabama mention:
"The surveys also showed Republican senators in Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina and Maine trailing or locked in a dead heat with potential Democratic rivals — in part because their fate is linked to Mr. Trump’s job performance. If incumbents in those states lose, and Republicans pick up only the Senate seat in Alabama, Democrats would take control of the chamber should Mr. Biden win the presidency."

   Again, considering this is such a positive article for Democrats, the almost admission of a Republican take-back of the seat now held by Democrat Doug Jones is significant.

(UPDATE: Also remember that if the GOP wins back the Alabama Senate seat, but loses their Senate majority, it leaves Alabama in the minority in the upper house, as it is now in the U.S. House as well.)

1 comment:

  1. And sad for this Alabamian, feeling like an ex-pat in my own home state.
