Apr 27, 2020

Media: How to "Work" Trump in a News Conference.

Some interesting advice from a former Presidential Press Secretary:

"The White House briefing is a battle between the White House and the press corps. My worst fear during a briefing was losing control of the room as reporters worked in tandem to pin me down on a particular subject -- one that I often wanted to avoid.When reporters started working together, following up on their colleagues' questions, the control of the room was firmly with the press corps. Reporters need to support each other."
                                                                     Joe Lockhart, Former Bill Clinton Press Secretary

Gov. Bentley w/media at the State Capital, 2018
      What works against Lockhart's strategy is the competitive nature of a big news conference. More often than not, the TV reporters (especially) will include the question they asked in their own story. They believe in the question, naturally, and it gives them more face time.
     But if the White House reporters will work together, go for it!


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