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Apr 18, 2020

Killer Kitties

Weaver is actually our next door neighbor's cat, but he spends his time about half and half between the two houses.

He's as much a dog as a cat...he'll follow us, come when called...and let us know what he wants to do.

He's also a killer, as are many house/outdoor cats. NPR had a story today about the number of birds and other critters domestic cats kill:

The Killer At Home: House Cats Have More Impact On Local Wildlife Than Wild Predators


"Some cats in the study were bringing home up to 11 dead birds, rodents or lizards a
(Photo by Raven)
month, which doesn't include what they ate or didn't bring home to their owners."

"It actually ends up being a really intense rate of predation on any unfortunate prey species that's going to live near that cat's house," he said.

One study estimates that house cats, both domestic and feral, kill billions of birds every year. 



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