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May 3, 2020

Exhibit # 22: Feeing Old

A Elle story reposted at about a new Hollywood miniseries mentions a one-time huge movie star, and the author of the story found it necessary to explain who he was!
The headline?

Who Was the Real-Life Movie Star Rock Hudson in 'Hollywood'?

"In his new miniseries Hollywood, producer Ryan Murphy seeks to right some of the wrongs of the entertainment industry’s past. While the show is largely fictional, it features several real life characters, including actor Rock Hudson. With the show, Murphy hoped to revisit Hudson's stories and explore what his life and career could have been, absent the homophobia that permeated the industry. But just who was Hudson?"

     Yes, it has been 35 years since Hudson died of AIDS, but at my age that seems like a relatively short time ago. 
     I emailed the author, asking her age, so as to put some perspective on her story and on this posting. She was nice enough to respond. Hudson died when she was a one year old!

"I know how you feel. I am 35, born at the end of 1984. I write for Elle, which is where the piece originally ran, and have found the online audience there skews pretty young so we sometimes have to introduce things that are well known to us. Though I think it never hurts to have a refresher on interesting lives like Rock Hudson. Last year I wrote a piece about JFK Jr and was told a lot of readers (I assume high school and college aged people) were just learning who that was. Wow!"
 Thank you Adrienne Gaffney!

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