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May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

     I went looking for Memorial Day recognition today at places where Veterans are remembered or buried.....but it appeared I was alone for the day.
     I didn't see a single flag at a grave in the old part of Oak Cemetery in Montgomery. 
     I expected that at the Civil War graves, since that part of the cemetery contains many hundreds of confederate graves,

 Some of them are of unknown Confederate soldiers. And there is, at least in Alabama, a Confederate Memorial Day.


But there was no recognition at the downtown Korean War Memorial either. 

Nor at the World War II Memorial at the VFW building 
Downtown.  The flag was at half-staff (But the Governor ordered that for the law enforcement officers memorial day.) 
Side note: the VFW removed vandal-damaged vases from the top of marble columns almost four years ago. They represented wars in which the U.S. fought. 

The monolith honoring all war dead from Alabama still stands:

It would be nice now if the VFW did something with the stone pedestals that were left behind, including this one representing the Vietnam War, with electric cables dangling from it.

     I couldn't find the Vietnam War Memorial at the Veterans Administration Medical Center on Perry Hill Road, though I read that is were it is. None of the directional signs pointed the way.

     Finally I visited the WWI Memorial outside the old rail terminal building downtown...and voila! Someone had placed a bouquet of flowers at the foot of the statue:

Thank you!!!!

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