Has anyone found a cartoon yet that shows Trump's proposed "National Garden of American Heroes" with dozens of statues dwarfed by a HUGE statue of Trump's favorite American Hero--Himself?
I can't draw worth a damn, but I am sure someone has done it or will soon.
Of all people to propose a statue garden to honor people, Trump? He who makes up divisive names for people he dislikes.
This is a non-starter, DOA. Put it on the list of Trump actions to be killed immediately once he leaves office on January 20, 2021.
(After all, Trump set the precedent by killing programs begun by Barack Obama. And remember that President Obama, the most admired American for a decade running, is nowhere on Trumps list! )
Added: A Washington Post Column about Trump's proposal is HERE. And this is an excerpt, which questions the rushed nature of the project (Could it be the election in November?):
To hurry such work defeats the whole purpose of erecting statues, he said. Monuments are exercises in reflection, he said, a chance to plumb our collective memory and reflect on who we are as a country, what we value most and want to honor and pass down to future generations.“For starters, you might want to consult different communities about who their heroes are and not just choose your own,” Grossman said. “You might also want to consult professionals, like actual historians.”
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