Aug 4, 2020

UPDATED WaPo: U.S. Sen. Shelby's FBI Alabama Initiative

"Three years after President Trump canceled a decade-long plan to build an FBI headquarters in the Washington suburbs, the bureau’s effort at securing a new home remains mired in uncertainty, with no active plan or funding source and thousands of agents still working at the crurymbling and poorly secured J. Edgar Hoover Building in downtown Washington.
But there is ample financial support and a clear plan for another FBI headquarters project, one in Hunstville, Ala., that will welcome 1,500 of the bureau’s headquarters staff from the Washington region next year and probably thousands more in coming years.
The principal architect of the flow of FBI staff to Alabama’s Redstone Arsenal complex is Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), the powerful chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee who has shepherded the project through approvals and secured $1.1 billion in funding for it over the past four years." (Washington Post)


Political Note: It is Sen. Shelby's political power that is making much of this economic windfall for Alabama possible (he's been in office since 1987!). It is also an economic argument for keeping the state's other U.S. Senator in office, especially with the possible Democratic Party rule of the U.S. Senate on the table after November. 

     Voter will choose between Incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Doug Jones, who has gained some power in the Senate in two years, and would gain even more if Democrats are in the majority, and Republican Tommy Tubberville, who would begin as the freshest of freshmen, perhaps even as a minority Senator, if the GOP loses control.

UPDATE: At least one pollster shows Tubberville ahead of Jones by 17 points.

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