Sep 3, 2020

Recommended NOT Reading

Remember these?

It's from a column in today's New York Times:

In a new book, “Presidents, Populism and the Crisis of Democracy,” the political scientists William G. Howell and Terry M. Moe argue that Trumpism is largely a symptom of growing populist disaffection with the American government’s inability to solve people’s problems. Even if Trump does lose, they argue, our democracy will still face serious questions about its viability. I asked Moe, a professor at Stanford, how America might recover from this damage.
“It’s not clear that we can,” he told me. “I think the Republicans, for now, are an anti-democracy party.” Their only chance of political survival is to continue to “make the country as undemocratic as they can so that they can win elections.”

Farhad Manjoo

Farhad Manjoo became a Times Opinion columnist in 2018.


  1. There is one hope. Democrats control Senate Biden elected. Democrats control House. Senate does away with filibuster rule. Democrats would then 2 to 4 years to show country what sane and sensible government looks like. People could actually be helped. But I stress sane and sensible. Democrats cannot feud among themselves(I know I sound naive) if this were to work. If it does, Democrats could change the country for good.

    Eddy Cunningham

  2. There is one hope. Democrats control Senate Biden elected. Democrats control House. Senate does away with filibuster rule. Democrats would then 2 to 4 years to show country what sane and sensible government looks like. People could actually be helped. But I stress sane and sensible. Democrats cannot feud among themselves(I know I sound naive) if this were to work. If it does, Democrats could change the country for good.

    Eddy Cunningham
