Oct 5, 2020

Another Tuberville Dodge.

 Republican U.S. Senate nominee Tommy Tuberville will apparently not take part in a virtual town-hall meeting this Thursday...just as he has not taken part in much of anything at which there is a danger he might be questioned and have to show he is prepared to be a member of the U.S. Senate.

Poor People's Campaign officials say Democratic incumbent U.S. Senator Doug Jones has confirmed he will take part.

"U.S. Senate Town Hall meeting Thursday, October 8th at 6:30 pm.  The town hall is focused on policies that affect the over 2 million poor and low-income residents of Alabama including systemic racism, poverty, voting rights, healthcare, poverty wages and more. Candidates that participate will answer questions from Alabamians who are impacted by such issues. Both Senate candidates were invited to participate in the non-partisan event.  

This event will be broadcast on the Poor People's Campaign website, YouTube and live-streamed on the Poor People's Campaign Facebook page and on the Alabama Poor People's Campaign Facebook page.

We hope you will join us for this important Town Hall Meeting on Thursday at 6:30 pm.  You can RSVP here and share this invitation with your family and friends." 


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