Oct 7, 2020

Golden Ray Cutting Delayed


The Unified Command overseeing the removal of The Golden Ray car transport ship from the Port of Brunswick Georgia says the operation to cut the ship into eight parts for removal is being delayed by several weeks. It was supposed to begin this week:

"Engineers with the response designed an array of five anchors that accounted for multiple challenging variables such as extreme currents in the sound, restrictions to movement due to the Environmental Protection Barrier (EPB) and proximity to the shipping channel. After successfully installing and pull-testing four anchors, the remaining anchor at the most challenging mooring site in the system did not meet its pull-test requirements.


The Unified Command (UC) is reviewing multiple options for a revised anchor system..."


 The crane system on the left will loom over the wreck, supporting a chain system that that will saw through the ship, cutting it into pieces that will be loaded on barges for removal.

The Golden Ray capsized last Fall.


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