Nov 24, 2020

Transition from Trump to Biden, From Chaos to America.

      The President-elect's choice for Secretary of State told an especially moving background story, as The N.Y. Times reported:

Antony J. Blinken, said he felt a duty to keep America as “the last best hope on Earth,” as it had been for his own family.

His grandfather, he said, came to America after fleeing pogroms in Russia. His father’s wife fled communist Hungary as a young girl. His stepfather was a Holocaust survivor from Poland who spent four years in concentration camps and whose life was saved by an African-American soldier after he broke away from a death march into the Bavarian woods.

“He fell to his knees and said the only three words he knew in English that his mother had taught him: ‘God Bless America,’” Mr. Blinken said. “The G.I. lifted him into the tank, into America, into freedom. That’s who we are.”


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