Dec 8, 2020

News Reports: Ft. Rucker name change & Doug Jones for AG

 "Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, has privately hinted that President Trump would drop his objection to stripping Confederate leaders’ names from military bases (including F. Rucker in Alabama), which is threatening to derail the annual military policy bill, if Democrats agreed to repeal an important legal shield for social media companies."

                                                                                                                                 N.Y Times story


Meanwhile, The AP is reporting that lame-duck Alabama U.S. Senator Doug Jones is the apparent frontrunner for an appointment as Attorney General:


"WASHINGTON (AP) — Alabama Sen. Doug Jones and federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland are emerging as the leading contenders to be nominated as President-elect Joe Biden’s attorney general, three people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

A decision hasn’t been finalized and the dynamics could shift in the coming days as Biden builds out his Cabinet with an eye to ensuring diverse leadership in the top ranks of his administration."


UPDATE: Comments from Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 

“The Confederate soldiers who betrayed the United States to fight for the Confederacy were fighting for the institution of slavery,” Warren said on the Senate floor. “It is time to put the names of those leaders who fought and killed U.S. soldiers in defense of a perverted version of America where they belong, as footnotes in our history books, not plastered on our nation’s most significant military installations.”

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