Dec 11, 2020

The Montgomery-Built Hyundai Sonata

 How's this for a headline?

This 512-HP Hyundai Sonata Sleeper Build Is an Invisible Rocket Ship


Yes, as the article in here explains, the owner---Gio Lewis:

"...and his wife are retired from the Army and purchased a pair of his-and-hers Sonatas as part of their retirement plan with the intent of maintaining them and passing them down to their teens. Meanwhile, he had big plans for his Hyundai. Even before his latest upgrade, he was racing it at the drag strip and beating C5 Corvettes and Mustang GTs.

That photo shows his modified Sonata.

     I owned a Mustang GT (2002 model) so, I can appreciate being beaten by the somewhat pedestrian looking Sonata! I suspect Montgomery Police and Alabama State Troopers would appreciate owners sticking to no more than a few mph above the limit.



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