Dec 11, 2020

The U.S. Senate and House Approve Pentagon Budget

 ...and that includes the provision changing the confederate names of ten military bases, including Ft. Rucker.

Next step is the Oval Office. Will D.T. sign it? Let it become law without his signature, or reject it, betting Congress won't come back into session during their Christmas break. 

The Washington Post explains the implications:

The president has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to consider whether he will sign the legislation — a clock that starts once the White House receives paperwork from Congress. In that time, he may choose to sign it into law, reject it with a veto, or simply let it fizzle. If Congress is still in session at the end of the 10 days, it automatically becomes law; if Congress has adjourned, it doesn’t, and the legislation is defunct.

That means, unless Trump signs the bill into law swiftly, Congress could be forced to stay in session through Christmas, when lawmakers are usually out of town.


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