Headline of the morning, from Oregon
An off-duty cop ‘terrorized’ a family displaying a BLM flag. Police drove him home without arrest.
"The responding officers did not check (the off-duty cop) Teets for weapons, according to Castaneda’s tort claim. Then, Schuetz drove Teets to his nearby home, “only blocks away from the Castaneda family,” according to the tort claim, and helped the intoxicated officer to his front door.
....The officers who interviewed Castaneda on Halloween did not tell her that they had identified Teets as the man who attacked her home, nor did they divulge that they had already taken him home.
Even after providing Teets’s name, investigators did not tell Castaneda that he was a police officer. According to her tort claim, she only discovered that Teets worked for the Forest Grove Police Department after she searched for his name on the Internet.
Her lawyers also alleged that police did not document the possible political motives at play when Teets targeted Castaneda’s home. The responding officers did not turn on body cameras during the investigation as required by department policy, nor did they note the existence of the Black Lives Matter flags prominently displayed on Castaneda’s property in their reports."
READ the entire story HERE in the Washington Post!
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