Aug 29, 2021

Sewell Continues Fight for Voting rights Bill.

Rep. Terri Sewell (D, Ala.)



 "H.R. 4 faces tough odds getting through the Senate, where the party’s slim 50-50 majority means it’ll be short of the 60 votes needed to avoid a filibuster and land the bill on President Biden’s desk. So far, only one Republican senator, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, said she supports the legislation.

“It’s a herculean task,” Sewell said of trying to pass the bill. “But I am not going to be deterred as our foremothers weren’t deterred in their efforts,” she added, referencing women who previously led the charge against voting suppression."

FULL Washington Post Sewell story is  HERE.

     I don't have to point it out to Alabamians, but Rep. Sewell is the ONLY Democrat in the entire Alabama Congressional Delegation, so it is probably safe to say neither of the Republican U.S. Senators, outgoing Richard Shelby and still-searching-for-the-restroom Tubberville, will support the bill in the U.S. Senate. And Shelby's seat will be filled by someone next November. The Republican Primary, the only one that counts these days, is in May 2022.

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