Aug 4, 2021

Speaking too broadly...

We love to proclaim someone a hero, sometimes too broadly. 

Not all people serving in the military or as police or fire department employees are heroes. Many are, but not all. For example, from The Washington Post, the story of a Dallas fire department employee who reported Covid in his wife, then daughter, then himself:

"It wasn’t until the deputy chief asked the firefighter to turn in copies of the positive test results that (William Jordan) Carter confessed he’d made the whole thing up, prosecutors said.

The firefighter was not stuck at his Rowlett, Tex., home recovering from the virus, copies of his bank records obtained by detectives show. For at least some of the time, Carter was vacationing at a Texas resort, where he spent close to $1,500 in lodging, meals and entertainment.

“Suspect Carter took advantage of recommendations for First Responders to not report to work if they tested positive or became exposed to [a] person confirmed positive for covid-19, with whom they lived,” prosecutors said in a three-page arrest affidavit."

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