Aug 24, 2021

The Hallmarks of a Good Reporter

 Found this in a Washington Post story about---of all things---the Jeopardy host mess.

"Like “Jeopardy!” itself, this tempest-in-a-TV set may not be hugely significant. But it does clearly show that the hallmarks of solid journalism — curiosity, digging, patience — prove their worth every time."

First off, nice writing, media reporter Margaret Sullivan.

Second off, a reminder of the factors that make someone a good, and perhaps then, a great reporter:

                   curiosity, digging, patience

     It means being truly curious. Dozens of times every day asking yourself "I wonder why...", and following up to one degree or another by digging, and by having patience (the most difficult aspect for me).

    That first one...curiosity...should be a 24/7 part of the reporter's DNA. I have known would-be reporters who go home at 5:00 on a Friday and don't absorb any news till Monday at 9:00, if then. Curious? Not even close. Perhaps "uncurious". Worse. How about should-not-be-reporting?

   Go work at Walmart. 

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