Sep 13, 2021


       So I don't remember Governor Ivey agreeing with parents who refuse to give their kids any of the 14 or so vaccines kids are given to block illnesses.

(note: The State of Alabama does not recognize philosophical, moral, or ethical exemption from
vaccination. A medical exemption may be issued by a physician or an Alabama Certificate of  Religious Exemption may be obtained from the local county health department.)

 What is it about Covid19 vaccine that makes her so anti-vaccine anyway?

Here is the general regulation for public AND private schools:

(l) The board of education and the governing authority of each private school shall
require each pupil, prior to entering kindergarten or first grade or prior to re-entering the higher grades of the schools of Alabama, to present a Certificate of Immunization for the prevention of diseases listed in 420-6-1-.03 (Code of Alabama, 1975, §16-30-4.). The Certificate of Immunization will be on a form approved by the Alabama Department of Public Health. 

A written objection from the parent or guardian of a student or child based on
religious tenets and practices shall be submitted in person by the parent or guardian to the County Health Department for issuance of a Certificate of Religious Exemption from the required immunizations or testing. A licensed physician can provide individual exemption from
the required immunizations or testing on a Certificate of Medical Exemption. The Certificate of Religious Exemption and the Certificate of Medical Exemption will be on forms approved by the Alabama Department of Public Health and will be accepted in lieu of the Certificate of Immunization.

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