Oct 21, 2021

What? They want to kill the most logical part of Biden's plan???


President Biden's package would allow the government negotiate the price WE TAXPAYERS PAY for prescription drugs for Medicaid/Medicare/ Veteran's care etc. but that is opposed by republicans and some Democrats:

Read Bernie Sanders comment in the N.Y. Times story:

“It would mean that the pharmaceutical industry, which has 1,500 paid lobbyists, the pharmaceutical industry, which made $50 billion in profits last year, the pharmaceutical industry, which pays its executives huge compensation packages, and which is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to defeat this legislation, will have won,” Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent and Budget Committee chairman, said on Wednesday. “And I intend to not allow that to happen.”


This measure would REDUCE THE COST OF GOVERNMENT! Yet there are Republicans who oppose it???? Please explain.

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