Jun 18, 2023

About Defending the Name Ft. Bragg

 There is an effort underway to undo the renaming of Fort Bragg to Fort Liberty. It is led by Florida GOP Presidential-wanna-bes DeSantis and Pence, both of whom might want to read a Washington Post article from today:

File:Braxton Bragg.jpg - Wikipedia 

"Who was Fort Bragg named after? The South’s worst, most hated general."

After a personal clash with Bragg, (Nathan Bedford) Forrest burst into Bragg’s tent and shouted, “You have played the part of a damned scoundrel, and are a coward, and if you were any part of a man, I would slap your jaws … If you ever again try to interfere with me or cross my path, it will be at the peril of your life,” according to John Wyeth’s 1899 biography of Forrest.

Bragg’s subordinate officers were so upset with the general’s decisions that 12 of them signed and sent a secret petition to Davis urging him to replace Bragg. Davis traveled to the battle site to talk to Bragg but decided to keep him.

Full article HERE (paywall)

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