Jun 27, 2023

America's Most Frequent Grammatical Error

AL.COM: ANOTHER example this morning: The VCU was called to the location because the unit investigates all allegations of sexual assault within Tuscaloosa County, regardless of age of the victim and maintains a separate section of trained investigators that work the cases, he said.


 "Who" vs "That"

An example from a today news story:

"One of the victims hit was a female that had been thrown about halfway down the embankment..."

No...WHO had  been thrown.

I see this error EVERYWHERE! In national commercials...in news stories (like that one from AL.COM)...everywhere!

How to know the difference?

"In short, who is used to refer to people, while that is used for inanimate objects, organizations, and types of people."

That came from www.grammarly.com HERE

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