Jul 26, 2023

Law Library

     Inside the Alabama Capital Building where I work, there is a room added to the original building in the 1880's as a law library...but the courts moved out in later years to a new building on Dexter Avenue.

After that, the former library was used for many purposes, including meetings, special events and art exhibits.


     The courts and the law library moved first into an old Scottish Rite building down Dexter Avenue. I had been lost during the Depression, and the State took possession.

 A new court building was constructed in 1994 at a cost of $35 Million dollars on the other side of Dexter Avenue, and today I had the opportunity to tour that building:

     The lobby of the beautiful building includes some massive columns and a large American flag.

     You may recall twice-ousted Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore moved his ten commandments monument into that lobby under the cover of darkness one night in 2001.

     Moore was charged by the state court of the Judiciary twice, and thrown out of office both times.

    Eventually he removed the monument to a building at the foot of Dexter Avenue.


       Meanwhile all of the law books from the original law library are now in the new building, tens of thousands of books, some dating to the 1600's. Here are some photos:













Although the library is primarily used by judges and lawyers, it is open to the public!


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