Aug 30, 2023

BIG Moon Night


Photo by Tim Lennox

Wednesday, August 30th 2023

"Tonight is the second Full Moon for the month of August, known as a Blue Moon (NASA)! This is also a Supermoon because the Moon will be at perigee, or closest to Earth in its orbit (NASA)! Did you know that the second Full Moon in a single calendar month is known as a Blue Moon (NASA)? Blue Moons happen about every 2-3 years because the Moon’s monthly cycle is a little shorter than a month (NASA).

The Full Moon will also be at perigee and as a result it will appear a tad brighter and larger than normal (NASA)."

(Source WATE-TV/Knoxville) 

Moon Rise Time: 7:22 PM

Moon Set Time: 5:35 AM

(Of course clouds can eliminate any viewing opportunities, and according to the forecast from the Action 8/Alabama News Network, there is a 20% (UPDATE: make that a 50%) change for showers that day.)

Photo by Tim Lennox


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