Aug 19, 2023

Forwarding (No More!)

 I developed a habit of searching the day's news offerings in the 1970's....back then that meant cutting articles out of newspapers and magazines to provide stuff to talk about during my frequent three-hour-long radio talk shows.

Sometimes the piece I cut out was more appropriate for a family or friend!


The arrival of the internet made all that much easier, but still there was a decision process...what am I going to bring up today?

Along the way I continued the habit of sending some articles to family members and friends.

These days that habit ends with me realizing I CAN'T send an article because...that  person is no longer alive!

It's true of my parents, my brother, my aunts and uncles, former co-workers and friends too! Several times a day I find an article and make a mental note to send it to.......



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