Aug 7, 2023

State of Alabama Funded Lawyers

Where is Steve Marshall?

He is the top lawyer in the state, with this responsibility (according to his website):

"The Attorney General defends the state in all lawsuits in which the state is named as a defendant. He represents the state in all court proceedings wherein the constitutionality of a state statute is challenged. In addition to defending the state, the Attorney General may initiate court action, both civil and criminal, to protect the state’s interests or to enforce state law. The Attorney General represents the state in all criminal actions in the appellate courts of the State of Alabama and in habeas corpus proceedings in the federal courts. He has the authority to superintend and direct the prosecution of any state criminal case. The Attorney General issues legal advice through formal or informal written opinions to authorized public officials and agencies."

Yet, as reported in The Montgomery Advertiser this morning:

"Gov. Kay Ivey’s office hires Montgomery law firm in death penalty case"

Yet The Attorney General's office includes a division for that very purpose, The Capital Litigation Division:

"This division represents the state in all appeals in state and federal courts in which a criminal defendant has received a death sentence, including the direct appeal, state post-conviction proceedings, federal habeas corpus proceedings, and execution proceedings.  In addition, attorneys in this division are required to advise judges, other prosecutors, and the public on death penalty law and procedure."
Governor recommended budget for The Attorney General for this year:


That includes an additional $1-Million this year from a "litigation Support Fund", and includes the salaries for 174 employees...80 of those are attorneys.

You can see a list of the outside firms the AG wants to hire to defend the state HERE.

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