Jan 23, 2024

"School Choice"



 A smaller than anticipated group supported "school choice" during a frigid Monday outside on the steps of the Alabama Capitol Building.


The Alabama GOP is a big supporter of "choice"...at least when it comes to education:

From a news release by Alabama Republican Party Chairman John Wahl:

"The Alabama Republican Party has been a longtime advocate for school choice and parental rights in general. We believe every child is unique, and that their parents are best equipped to determine what type of education meets their needs. We also believe that no child’s quality of education should be decided by where they live. Low income and minority families should have the same opportunities to alternative education, and a strong school choice bill will give them a chance for a better education and open up new paths of success. Now is the time to pass school choice in Alabama."


(I'll leave it to visitors to this website to parse the words of the party chair, determining where the GOP does NOT support "choice", even in education).


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