Mar 5, 2024

Election Language

 My futile battle with the Alabama Secretary of State's office over ballot language continues for another year.



When you look online for a primary sample ballot for your county, here is the choice you are offered, with Autauga County chosen as a sample---the error is the same in the listing for all Alabama Counties.



Background: a few decades ago the republicans decided to refer to the Democratic Party as The Democrat party....they so hated using the actual party name because it is also the adjective describing the kind of party it is. i.e. The Democratic Party. So the GOP started referring to it as The Democrat Party. 

Ha Ha Ha.

But it also bleeds over the official documents like the ballots in today's Primary Elections, as shown in the Autauga listing above. SURELY the Secretary of State's office knows the name of the party is The Democratic Party? But they refuse to correct it. Petty, I know, but important in some ways.

Will they sit idly by when a Democrat wins the Secretary of State's office and starts changing the GOP name to the Republic Party. I doubt it. One more time:

The Alabama Democratic Party.

Now go vote!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps GOP should be changed to the Petty Obnoxious Old Party?
