Mar 3, 2024

Stressed Out! Alabama Ranked #2

 Alabama is ranked as the second most stressed out state in America.


The U.S. population has experienced an intense range of stressors over the past few years, as the Covid-19 pandemic, racial injustice, and political divisiveness have dominated news cycles and social media. A new survey, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of APA, tells a story of uncertainty and dissolution.

Stress in America 2022: Concerned for the Future, Beset by Inflation, shows a battered American psyche, facing a barrage of external stressors that are mostly out of personal control. The survey found a majority of adults are disheartened by government and political divisiveness, daunted by historic inflation levels, and dismayed by widespread violence.

The report summarizes findings on current reported stress levels, sources, and consequences. Our psychologists also offer advice and strategies to help the nation navigate the fear of the unknown and the pervasive threats to the well-being of all Americans. APA is committed to empowering people to find ways to take back control and to find peace and calm in the chaos.


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