Jul 27, 2024

From PEW: Always something new to learn about...."Clam Gardens"!


🧠 🌊 Beaches with clam gardens produce between 150%-300% more clams than beaches that don't have these gardens.www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/articles/2024/07/26/from-lab-to-life-how-indigenous-knowledge-informs-science-today.

A man with gray hair, an orange rain jacket and dark green pants stands in the center of the frame on a beach in overcast weather. The beach contains large rock formations that are covered with moss and seaweed. He is surrounded by 11 university students wearing different colored rain jackets.
Marco Hatch, in an orange jacket, leads his students on a tour of a clam garden on the Washington state coastline. For centuries, Indigenous communities have created clam gardens, which increase food production and keep beaches healthy by overturning sediment. A Pew marine fellow, Hatch seeks to better incorporate Indigenous-led ecosystem management into broader conservation strategies. (Credit: Marco Hatch/Western Washington University) 

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