Sep 5, 2024

About Section 60


From an opinion column written by Mike Mullen, a retired U.S. Navy admiral...who...was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2007 to 2011. It was posted by The Washington Post:

Arlington National Cemetery > Visit

" part of Arlington — or any veterans’ cemetery for that matter — should ever play host to partisan activity. These cemeteries are sacred ground. They represent the final resting places of our best, our brightest, our most unselfish citizens...."

"To intrude upon that scene — to visit politics upon it — is to do much more than violate those rules; it is to betray the very nature of Arlington. It is to mock the apolitical nature of our military and to dishonor the sacrifices made by those who rest there. Worse, it may lead others to think less of those sacrifices, to view them as smaller than they actually were. And that’s a travesty, no matter what the visitor may have intended."


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