Sep 9, 2024

Leaving The U.S.A.?

 A N.Y. Times article about people planning to leave the U.S. if_______is elected president (mostly tRump, but some Harris too:)

"This summer, nearly 2,000 readers responded to a New York Times survey asking if they would leave the United States should their favored candidate lose the presidential election in November. Another 3,000 people responded to similar questions asked over social media. Some respondents had already moved. Others were taking the steps — looking for jobs overseas, or seeking ways to qualify for residency."

An L.G.B.T.Q. Community on Edge

In 125 responses, readers mentioned concerns for themselves or a family member in the L.G.B.T.Q. community. Among them, 20 people who were transgender or had transgender family members expressed fears about safety. One was a 46-year-old father of a 9-year-old transgender son in St. Paul, Minn., who has made arrangements with his employer to be transferred abroad should Mr. Trump prevail. “I’d like to stay here and fight for what our values are and the values of the country,” said Michael, who asked to use only his first name to protect his son’s privacy. “But I have to put the health of my son first.”

FULL Story is HERE

(I have a headstart....I have dual citizenship with Ireland, having three grandparents who were born there.)

BUT...there's also this:

“This country will become more woke, more radical, extreme radical left,” he said. “We will have totally lost all our decency if she gets in.”

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