Sep 6, 2024

Washington Post: Black students more likely to be victims

 Texas school shooting: Damning report, new footage show police inaction |  World News - The Indian Express

"School shootings disproportionately affect Black children

Among The Post’s most important findings: the disproportionate impact of school shootings on children of color.

Almost all the deadliest assaults were committed by White gunmen, a reality that has left much of the public with the false impression that school shootings almost exclusively affect White students. Children of color, however, are far more likely to experience campus gun violence: more than twice as much for Hispanic students and over three times as much for Black students.

At schools with majority Black student bodies, shooters typically target a specific person, limiting the number of people shot — and the subsequent media exposure."

(See the Post's extensive investigation into school shootings HERE.) 

(I'm glad to be able to note that none of the school mass-shootings have been in Alabama, though I am hard-pressed to offer a reason why we have escaped the trend.)

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