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Feb 23, 2025

Jury Duty

I've been called for jury duty twice. Once by a Federal Court, the other a state court. Both times I was dismissed. 

I believe it was because I was a journalist, though that was never specified.

There is a column in today's Washington Post by a female journalist who was also called to jury service. She writes:

"When the jury summons for federal criminal court arrived in my mailbox in November 2023, I knew I had to answer it. And not just because I had been deferring and deferring and now I was all out of deferments. I had to answer this one because in my gut I knew it wasn’t going to be just any old criminal case. I remember saying to my partner, “I bet you anything it’s a January 6 case.”

It was, and she writes about the experience (unlike me she was NOT dismissed).

BUT...weeks after the jury she sat on finished their job, finding the defendant guilty...Trump freed the defendant her jury had convicted. and others too."

I recommend reading her full column. It is HERE.

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