Jul 5, 2012

Another Fantastic Mars Photo

One month from tonight, Curiosity, the latest Mars lander, will set down on the planet's surface. In the meanwhile, the old rovers continue to provide amazing sights.

Opportunity sent this stunning postcard home to Earth. I wonder what this location sounds and smells like?  More about this panoramic composite shot here.

The rover Opportunity is in its 9th year on the planet. Curiosity's (right) mission is supposed to last one year, but who knows?


  1. Tim, thank you for posting this. If you can look at this and not be moved, you need to do some deep pondering. How sad that we take for granted, and sometimes forget, the astounding things the human spirit is capable of when unhindered by war, fear, and greed. Imagine the greatness we will achieve when we learn to lay aside our petty differences and work together as a single race - human- for the betterment of all!

  2. Thanks Paul. I'm a child of the 60's who grew up with the Gemini and Apollo Missions. I agree..how can someone not be amazed to see these Martian photos?
