Dec 6, 2007

Tuscaloosa & Alex City Rotary

I'll be speaking to the Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa on Tuesday the 11th at Noon...James/Jordan Plaster Jr. invited me...his e-mail says "James" but the Club Newsletter says "Jordan". Do Rotary club members have secret names (like secret handshakes)? (-:
It's obviously a tough month for Rotary Club Program Chairs, cause I'm also booked into Alexander City on the 17th, also at Noon. I see only one first name for their Program Chair, Michael Lovett, so maybe my secret name theory is wrong. I look forward to meeting the club members!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad I am not a member of the ROatery Club in AC. If you have time while there let's get a cup of coffee.
