Jul 28, 2008

Police Calls

A lot of folks in public safety say it is dangerous to use a cell-phone while driving, and I think most folks who have done it will acknowledge there is a special mental zone you go into that makes driving a surreal experience. I got thinking about that as I came to an intersection over the weekend and watched a Montgomery Police Officer take the turn without signaling. The officer-driver was yapping away on a cell-phone.
I wondered why police departments in Alabama don't simply impose a new rule: you can NOT use the cell while driving. Unlike regulations for the general public, it wouldn't require a vote by a city council or the State Legislature...just a signature from the Chiefs of Police. Any down side to that? Of course I googled and found a year-old article from St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Your thoughts?


  1. It is often the case that the men in blue think they don't have to follow the same laws they enforce on the rest of us.

  2. I support the police but they sure could use some improvement in this area. It would be good "PR", if not an improvement in safety. My biggest gripe is the fact that they park illegally, go inside to eat and then write some average Joe a ticket for parking in the very same spot.

    Hypocrisy is something that needs fixing, for sure.
