Hard for me to believe that a full year has passed since I started this blog. But then again, at my age, it is hard for me to believe how quickly time in general passes, so why should the blog be different? The honest reason I keep it going is because of the years of radio and TV in which I was constantly searching the world for material for a daily show. When I was doing two and three hour talk programs on radio in Birmingham, I'd go into the studio each day with a huge pile of newspaper and magazine clippings (this was pre-Internet) about things I wanted to talk about. The habit of gathering all that material remains with me, even though the daily opportunities are gone. So the blog offers me the opportunity to comment on that material. The material that works for the Friday FTR show ends up there, and the rest...
Think of a squirrel gathering nuts who suddenly is taken in to a home and fed by the homeowners...old habits die hard. Though there are weeks when I post only once or twice, I mostly have no trouble finding material...if and when that time arrives, you'll be the first to know...cause I'll move on to something else.
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