Do you get warm and fuzzy thoughts about car dealerships? Brian Williams did leading into an NBC News piece the other night. The report was what newspaper people used to call a "sidebar", an extra story after the Big Three Bailout lead story. Maybe its just me, but I hate going to a dealership to buy a car. I hate it so much that several times in Birmingham I actually hired a broker to buy a car for me. While the TV report was heavy on the "cars donated for a church raffle" and "support for the little league teams", all I can think of when car buying time arrives is how they're going to find a way to give me as little for my trade-in as possible, while changing me as much as possible for the new vehicle. I know they're a business and have to make a profit, but please! Dealer add-ons, mandatory binding arbitration, this extra fee and that one, "let me go check with my sales manager", secret video cameras in the "office"...As far as my own experience, buying a car is a miserable experience...not at all a trip to the cuddly we're-all-friends place the NBC story described. This is a tough time for dealerships (and for everyone!) One in Montgomery shut down last week after almost a century in business. But the dealerships and the car makers all have a hand in their own demise.
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