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Nov 3, 2008

MMMM #18 - A Sad Farewell

For political junkies, the final game of the Democracy World Series is about to occur. An extraordinary election cycle, no? So what then will the media...traditional and "new" about after tomorrow? Will Paris Hilton and her ilk suddenly become fascinating again? The same question was asked eight years ago of Talk-Radio. Whatever would they talk about without the Clinton's around? Perhaps it just seems that the only story has been the battle for the White House? With the election over and the continuing dismemberment of the daily papers (and even some papers completely halting publication) where is the new material for bloggers going to come from? [In today's NY Times, the man who was Press Secretary for former Senator Bob Dole offers one suggestion for how to spend all that new free time. He writes we should undergo an honest examination of media bias during the past election cycle. Agree?]

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