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Nov 10, 2008

MMMM #19 - Editorial U-Turns

It occurred to me during Friday's FTR that Senator Joe Lieberman isn't the only one in danger of severe whiplash from reversing course the moment after Senator Barack Obama secured his election as President.
Some in the Media have suddenly become more appreciative of Mr. Obama's qualities. The Birmingham News endorsed McCain, but their editorial the day after the election was full of celebration for the historic election of America's first black president..calling it " incredible milestone in our nation's history." On the other hand The Press-Register, which also endorsed McCain, exhibited an odd-sense of timing in their November 5th editorial by raising the issue of the president-elect's months ago decision not to accept public campaign financing. I had to read it several times before I understood that they are editorially glad Obama's success seems to have killed public financing. That might be a topic worthy of comment somewhere down the a slow Saturday...but the day after their candidate lost seems to be some rather valuable journalistic real estate on which to build the argument.
The Huntsville Times may be the smuggest of all. They decided not to make an endorsement in the presidential race, allowing them to comment Wednesday on the 5th District Congressional race...and leaving no fingerprints to mar future editorials on matters presidential.
The New York Times comments on the reversals issue too, in a story published Saturday. [The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of this blog.]

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