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Dec 24, 2008

The Season To Defraud

The huge fraud allegedly committed against thousands of people worldwide by Financier Bernard Madoff arrived just in time for the season when there's more of a focus on giving. Authorities allege he operated a hugh Ponzi scheme that left a lot of Jewish Charity groups in need of charity themselves. Today's NY Times focuses on the feeling of betrayal those groups feel because Madoff himself is Jewish. But "Affinity Fraud" isn't restricted to any particular faith, or even to faith. Take any group of like-minded people who gather regularly to celebrate their similarity---church, civil group, Men's Club (do they still have those?) or hunting party, wherever you find a feeling of camaraderie, there's a member trying to take advantage of all that good feeling. After all, to betray someone, you have to engender trust. And who are you most likely to trust if not the folks you see all the time?

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