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Dec 22, 2008

Digital Transition

The NY Times is out with a story this morning indicating the so called "Big Switch" isn't going very smoothly. APT has been airing announcements about the change, and will broadcast an hour long call-in special on Sunday January 4th at 6:00pm to answer questions. We already have a page of information online that should suffice, but who knows? I do believe as an industry we've made it more difficult than necessary. The cable folks have instigated a turf war, running announcements that oh-so-subtly imply that unless you have cable, you're going to lose your TV signals. Anyway, if you have not already applied for the taxpayer funded discount cards for the conversion boxes for those old analogue TV's in your house that are receiving an over the air signal, the deadline is 12/31. Click on the APT link above for more info.

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