Apr 29, 2009

Another face in the crowded GOP field?

AP is reporting Hoover Mayor Tony Petelos may join the ranks of candidates seeking the Republican nomination for Governor. 1st question for Mr. Mayor: where do you stand on the previously posted decision by Governor Riley to veto the Shelby County Sunday liquor bill?

1 comment:

  1. In Alabama, we pay entirely TOO much for our liquor.

    Talk about taxing the hell outt'a something! Sheesh! In CA - where I worked for most of the past year - I paid about HALF for liquor what I do in AL, and could buy it at ANY grocery store. Of course, it's that way in NV, and many other western states too.

    I don't get it... are those exorbitant prices from Alabama's "tax and spend" crowd?

    It's a philosophical ideology with which I disagree, that is, taxing heavily any item in order to pay for other programs, or to tax it into oblivion/disuse/decreased use. The feds' recent tax hike on tobacco, is another example.

    I enjoy cigars on occasion, but in order to fully fund the government sources the people demand (remember, services must be paid for) - including roads, law enforcement, courts, public and animal health, weights/measures, schools, etc., we must honestly approach our perspective to taxation and taxes, particularly in Alabama, for large, multinational corporate landowners, other large MNCs, the uber-wealthy, and a host of other sources.

    I have no problem with fully funding universal health care, because for me, it's more an issue related to my Christian roots, and the question asked in retort to the Almighty's inquiry, "am I my brother's keeper?"

    Well... duh! He's YOUR BROTHER (you big dummy)!

    Presently, we in Alabama tax our poor WORSE than any other state! Why?

    If in Alabama we were to triple our assessment upon property and raise the minimal amount which we now pay upon it, assessing corporate owners at a higher rate, then we might begin to see some improvements in the quality of our schools, law enforcement, court system, public health, and a host of other government services.

    But what does that have to do with liquor?

    Taxes, my friend... taxes (and home rule).

    Please legislators... can we have the ability to govern ourselves, or must we beg you - like the masters that you make yourselves to be upon us - for our daily bread?
