Apr 29, 2009

Swine Flu Update

Major increase in the level of concern by World Health Organization....raising the level of alert to the next highest level...#5... a level never used before. The next level means a pandemic is underway. Earlier tonight President Obama said he has asked Congress for an additional $1.5 Billion to fight what is now almost certainly going to be a pandemic. [UPDATE: Two "probable" cases of swine flu in North Alabama, says Alabama Department of Public Health. Public events being cancelled. Huntsville Times publishes flu FAQ.]

1 comment:

  1. The way the MSM (mainstream media) is blowing this "issue" out of proportion is phenomenal!

    Why, on ch19 (WHNT) last evening, news anchor/host Jerry Hayes had the audacity to say, "It's CONFIRMED... a possible case of swine flu in Madison county!" Hello, Jerry?!

    Isn't that almost like saying, "a definite MAYBE?!"

    The viewers would have been better served if the "news" monger would have said instead, something like, "The Alabama State Department of Public Health is investigating the possibility of H1 N1 swine flu found in the Madison city school system."

    That is but ONE reason why I DO NOT enjoy watching teevee news. In this case, it happened to be on while I was visiting a friend.

    I appreciate Dr. Williamson's soft-pedal, or should I say "common sensical" approach to the issue.

    "This is a mild disease. It is no worse, as of everything we're seeing today, as regular seasonable influenza."

    To prevent spreading anything:



    Oh... and did you know that YOU can KILL the SWINE FLU VIRUS?

    Yep... that's right!

    Into a gallon of water, place ONE tablespoon common, household bleach (any brand will do). Place mixture in a common spray bottle (available at any discount store).

    Spray on any surface to be cleaned, and wipe dry with a common household cloth, such as an old washcloth.

    It will sanitize, cleanse and kill, etc. EVERY "cootie," bug, germ, virus, etc. upon any surface upon which it is used - floor, countertop, cutting board (including wooden), knobs, handles, toilet, sink/basin, bath/shower, etc.

    It is ABSOLUTELY NOT NECESSARY to use high-priced products in fancy, multi-colored packages.

    Simple bleach and water is all that's required.

    Wash fresh fruits & vegetables in a similar solution, and if desired, use a drop or two of common dishwashing detergent to remove excess soil.

    Wash your hands after going out in public. You'd be surprised at the LITERAL "invisible" dirt that rinses off with the soap. - There's your "LITERAL" Watch, Tim.
